“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36
The Mission House Hours:
Every Wed., 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
2750 Trenton Rd, 
Clarksville, TN


Inclement Weather Policy:
In the event of winter weather, the Mission House will
close with Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools.
As followers of Jesus, we are given the privilege as his Church to love and minister to the community around us and to tangibly be the “hands and feet” of Christ.
At Spring Creek, we’ve been blessed with a house on campus that we call “The Mission House”, a place where individuals and families who are in need of food and/or clothing can come and receive what they need. The most important part of our Mission House ministry, however, is to share the love of Jesus Christ with all who walk through our doors so that all might come to know the saving grace of Jesus and be transformed by his gospel!  We open every Wednesday morning in prayer for everyone we will encounter through the day and are ready to pray with and for you at any point.
Distribution Policies:
  • Families are eligible to receive food and clothes on the same day every 60 days.
  • You may not split up these visits. If you give someone else a ride to The Mission House, we strongly encourage you to bring them on the same day as your visit, so you may both get resources on the same day. Due to limited space inside, we ask that you wait outside if you are only providing transportation and not picking up food or clothing.
  • Individuals may select up to 3 sets of clothes, 1 pair of shoes, and 1 coat (depending upon availability) from the Clothes Closet once every 60 days.
  • We also have a wide selection of books for all ages in our Book Closet and will provide a Bible to all who desire to have their own copy of God’s word.
  • Please respect the limits put on items and only take what is needed for those living with you (not other family members, friends, or neighbors).
  • You must be present to receive help. If you are not physically able to come inside, we will come to your vehicle to help you. If you’re by yourself, call 931-647-5850 to let us know you’re here.
  • We assist those living in Montgomery County and the following surrounding counties: Stewart, Houston, Dickson, Cheatham, Robertson, Trigg (KY), Christian (KY), and Todd (KY). Those living outside these counties should contact their local United Way, Second Harvest Food bank, or dial #211 for local health and human service options.
To pre-register for a trip to the Mission House, please fill out the form below.
Donations can be dropped off at the Mission House during operating hours. 
If you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact the church office to begin the application process.  We hope you can join us at The Mission House as we seek to share the love of Jesus Christ with our community!

Mission House Registration Form