November 2021
Christ Has Set Us Free!
Pastor Will Binkley continues in our sermon series through Galatians, finishing chapter 4 and beginning chapter 5, looking at how religious self-righteousness is a threat to our freedom that must be rejected and replaced with faith in the gospel. We must (1) rely on the Lord and not ourselves, (2) rejoice in the freedom of […]
October 2021
Become As I Am
Pastor Will Binkley takes us through Galatians 4:8-20, looking at: 1. Paul’s Concern: we must guard against our own tendencies to trust in ourselves instead of Jesus. 2. Paul’s Plea: we can be encouraged that God works in and through the detours and weaknesses of our lives. 3. Paul’s Zeal: we can follow the relational […]
Heirs According To Promise
This week, Pastor Will Binkley takes us through Galatians 3:25-4:7, reminding us that as believers, we are sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and that as sons of God, we receive… 1. a new identity. 2. an intimate relationship, and… 3. an eternal inheritance.
Why Then The Law?
Pastor Will Binkley continues through Galatians 3:15-24, looking at the superiority of the promise given to Abraham, the purpose of the Law, and the person of Jesus our Savior.
By Law Or By Faith?
Pastor Will Binkley takes us through Galatians 3:1-14, giving insight on Paul’s letter to the Galatian church, reminding us of the presence of the Holy Spirit and whom we belong to, and the problem of the law and how faith in Jesus is the only true way to be right with God.
September 2021
Crucified With Christ
Pastor Will Binkley unpacks Galatians 2:11-21, as the apostle Paul takes on the problem of hypocrisy in the church, the place of accountability, and the priority of the gospel.
Not Man’s Gospel, Part 2
Pastor Will Binkley takes us through Galatins 2:1-10, looking at the following points: 1. The gospel does not originate with man and must not be altered by man. 2. We must guard the truth of the gospel. 3. We must guard the integrity of the fellowship. 4. We must guard the nature of our ministry.
August 2021
Galatians: No Other Gospel
Pastor Will Binkley begins our study of Galatians by looking at Chapter 1, looking at: 1: The messenger of the gospel 2: The message of the gospel, and 3:The mess of a false gospel.