September 2018
Prepared To Make A Defense
Text: 1 Peter 3:13-17 Maturity matters. As parents or employers, we would never ignore benchmarks of healthy development in our children or in our employees. Yet, within the church we are inexplicably comfortable with allowing others and even allowing ourselves to stagnate in spiritual immaturity. In these verses, Peter begins to wrap up the […]
Seek Peace and Pursue It
Text: 1 Peter 3:8-12 Blessed are the peacemakers. “Where two or three are gathered…there’s a conflict waiting to happen.” Wherever people are sin is. This is true even within the church. We are still struggling against our old sin nature as we strive to grow up in salvation. Thus, peace is a very fragile thing. It […]
Heirs With Christ
Text: 1 Peter 3:7 The home is where the heart is. The Bible makes it clear that there is an authority structure within the marriage relationship that is inherent to marriage itself and not the result of the fall nor is it negated by the gospel. Both the husband and the wife have a […]
August 2018
A Gentle And Quiet Spirit
Text: 1 Peter 3:1-6 Submission is a gift of grace. The Bible makes it clear that there is an authority structure within the marriage relationship that is inherent to marriage itself and not the result of the fall nor is it negated by the gospel. Both the husband and the wife have a unique […]
Suffering Unjustly
Text: 1 Peter 2:18-25 There is purpose in our pain. We all find ourselves in relationships where we are under the authority of someone else. These “masters” might wield their authority well, creating a place where we willingly submit to their authority. But what about when our “masters” or evil and abuse their authority? […]
Honor The Emperor
Text: 1 Peter 2:13-17 We are citizens best when we’re servants first. The church has historically fluctuated between extremes when it comes to our engagement with politics and involvement within government institutions. We are either overly engaged or neglectfully disengaged. Peter reminds us that God has a good plan for the government and calls […]
Sojourners and Exiles
Text: 1 Peter 2:11-12 Be holy from the inside out. God calls us to take off our masks and be whole people wholly devoted to him and to his kingdom. There is no such thing as “dual-citizenship” in the kingdom of God. We are called out of darkness and into life, adopted as children […]
July 2018
Living Stones
Text: 1 Peter 2:4-10 This is bigger than me. In our sin, we tend to think more of ourselves than we should. We forget that when we come to Christ we are adopted into a family. We are assembled into a body. We are raised into an army. In these verses, Peter reminds us […]
Love One Another
Text: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3 Loved people love people. Because of the presence of sin in our lives and in our world, everything is subject to decay and disharmony. Just like the grass and flowers bloom for a season so our lives fade briefly. But beyond just our physical health and lives our relationships tend […]
Conduct Yourselves With Fear
Text: 1 Peter 1:17-21 Stay clean and stay close. Scripture teaches us that who we are determines what we do. Peter has told us that God has given us a new identity, a new future, and a new family. Since we are now his children we must live lives of holiness that bring […]