July 2021

Re:Focus: Rescue

Pastor Will Binkley takes us through Hebrews 9, looking at how when we attempt to deal with sin by ourselves, we only perpetuate our problem. Instead, we must rest in Jesus as the source of our salvation, as the security of our salvation, and as the consummation of our salvation.

Re:Focus: Fall

This Sunday, pastor Will Binkley takes us through the Genesis 3 story of the fall of mankind, and the effects of sin that humanity has struggled with ever since that day.

Re:Focus: Creation

Pastor Will Binkley begins a new sermon series, “Re:Focus”, as our church body takes a hard look and begins examining ourselves. Are we the church Christ calls us to be? Is Christ our first love? Have we elevated good deeds and “works” over a true, loving relationship with God? We begin this series by starting […]


Josiah Baker brings us a timely message this 4th of July, “Independence”, and speaks to us about when independence is something to be sought after, and when dependence is a better goal.

June 2021

Death Defeated

In the final sermon in the “Astonished & Amazed” series through the book of Mark, Pastor Will Binkley takes us through the Mark 15, as we discover together that: 1)Jesus was really dead 2)Jesus was really raised 3)Jesus really invites you in 4)The resurrection is God’s loving invitation to life for the fearful and the […]

Forsaken For My Sake

Part 2 of the crucifixion account in the book of Mark, reminding us that we can have hope despite the darkness because the Son was forsaken by the Father, that we might be welcomed into his presence.

Mocked and Murdered

Pastor Will Binkley takes us through Mark 15:16-39, looking at the trial and crucifixion of Christ, focusing on how Jesus is the true king, the true temple, and the true Savior… He was slandered in our stead that we might become blameless before God.

May 2021

A King For A Criminal

In this sermon from the “Astonished & Amazed” series, Pastor Will Binkley takes us through the account of Jesus standing before Pilate, and at how Jesus suffered condemnation to secure our liberation. He is our hope despite injustice!

Two Trials

This Sunday, Pastor Will Binkley continues through our series in the book of Mark, taking us through the trial of Jesus and showing how Jesus’ record is flawless, our record is a fiasco and His record is our hope. When we are humiliated by our failures, we can trust in the record of the One […]

The Lord’s Supper 5-16-21

“The Lord’s Supper 5-16-21”.