John Nelson
Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor
John grew up in a Christ-centered home and church in Nashville, where he heard and saw the gospel displayed from his earliest memories. While he was still a child, the Lord graciously saved him as he repented of his sin and trusted Jesus as his Savior and Lord.
John felt called to the ministry in 1999, during his freshman year of college. Since that time, God has provided consistent opportunities for him to serve in various ministerial and pastoral roles. One of those opportunities was serving at a church in Clarksville during the summer of 2001, which God providentially used to instill a love for the people of Clarksville in his heart.
After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in history from The University of Tennessee at Martin, John earned a Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. More important than his education, though, is the love and support he receives from his wife, Amber, and their daughters, Adelyn and Brantley.
John is honored to serve as the pastor of Spring Creek Baptist Church, a church that faithfully builds on a 217-year history of gospel proclamation and ministry to the greater Clarksville community.

Lexi Rosenberger
Children’s Ministries Director
Bios are awkward…so I let my sons, Austin and Hayden, write mine!
“My Mom received Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior in high school and has been serving in children’s ministry since. In her time serving she has taught Sunday School, served in AWANA, organized and supported numerous Vacation Bible Schools, and helped set up the children’s ministry at a church plant in AL.
She believes in the significance of serving children and their families. If not for children’s programs, she would not have a personal relationship with Christ. She believes the Bible affirms the importance of children in the Kingdom of God. Her focus is on teaching kids about Jesus and helping them develop a relationship with Him in a safe and caring environment.
My mom serves the Lord with the support of her four children.”

Matt Willis
Student Ministries Director
Bio coming soon!

Patricia Fox
Administrative Assistant
I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of 9. He has given me a heart for babies and elderly people for as long as I can remember.
I am blessed with 2 beautiful daughters and a wonderful son, and I taught in Sunday School and Bible drills as they were growing up. I now have 6 grandchildren, and I marvel at what God is doing in their lives.
God gave me the opportunity to work in a crisis pregnancy center, and between 1998 and 2006 I was privileged to foster 26 newborns while they waited for their forever homes.
God placed me here at Spring Creek in 2008, and He continues to bless me with opportunities to serve Him.