Welcome to
Kids at the CREEK!!!!
Infant and Walkers (birth-23 months)
In our Infants and Walkers Class your children are cared for by our nurturing staff and volunteers.
Spiritually, your child’s need will be met with songs, stories, and prayer
that introduce your child to Jesus’ love. This class is available for both Sunday School and Worship Hour.
Walkers to 3 year old (24 months-3)

In our Walkers to 3 year old room, your child will be engaged through stories, games, and activities that all point back to the love of Jesus.
This Class is available for both Sunday School and Worship Hour.
Pre-K – Kindergarten

In our Pre-K to Kindergarten class, our caring staff and volunteers
will utilize a combination of stories, crafts, songs, and games to help
your child understand more about Jesus. This Class is available for both Sunday School and Worship Hour.
Sunday School

Sunday School Classes are available for grades 1st-5th.
Our classes are taught by dedicated volunteers. Our children are all taught the same biblical account on an age appropriate level. Our goal is to help your child better understand scripture and how it applies to their life.
Children’s Church

Children’s Church is held at least 3 times a month during our Worship Hour. This program is designed specifically for kids from 1st to 5th grade who wish to participate. We use games, stories, music and videos to help teach your kids more about the Kingdom of God. Our goal is to teach your child biblical principles on an age appropriate level, as well as equip them to walk out their faith.
Family Sunday
At least once a month we set a side a time of worship for the entire church body to participate in.
Children are always welcome in service, however on Family Sundays NO Children’s Church is offered.
We are encouraged to worship together as one body. We often take this time to observe communion.
We feel it is important for families to observe this together.
Child Safety
Your child’s safety is important to us. We have several measures in place to
help ensure that your children are safe while in our care. All of our children’s staff and volunteers
have been background checked. We utilize a computer check in service to ensure that your child goes home with a designated parent or caregiver. Each of our classrooms are outfitted with closed circuit video recording. During our Worship Hour the Children’s Wing remains locked. Access to children is granted only to parents and caregivers with an identification tag. Please inquire about our Parent Handbook for more information.