April 19 – Sermon Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide PDF

Initial Exam

1 John

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:13 (ESV)

Digging Deeper

Though he never uses the word “gospel” in this letter, John clearly articulates the themes and major movements of the gospel in this letter. Spend some time reading over these verses and identify the elements of the gospel story: Creation, Fall, Rescue, Response, Restoration.

  • 1:3-9
  • 2:1-2
  • 2:15-17
  • 2:24-25
  • 3:1-8, 16, & 23
  • 4:9-16
  • 5:4
  • 5:11-12

Digesting the Text

  • What would be the condition of your spirit if you witnessed someone you loved, someone you respected, someone you trusted walk away from Christianity? How would you handle this?
  • Have you ever experienced a church split? If so, how did you feel in this moment and what did you hope to hear from a pastor? If not, how would you feel if our church split? What would you hope to hear from me as your pastor?
  • John says in 1:3 that the heart of Christian fellowship is fellowship with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. What does this mean for our church family in this season of separation? How should this change how we see our fellowship when we are able to reconvene our corporate gatherings?
  • Do you find yourself doubting your salvation? What comfort does it give you that John wrote an entire letter to assure believers of their salvation?
  • As we stand at the beginning of this letter, what do you think the signs of life for the Christian might be?
  • Take time to read through this letter at least once this week. What questions do you have from your initial reading? What encouragement have you drawn from your initial reading?

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Week 16 – God’s Glory

18  Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things. 19  Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory!Amen and Amen!
Psalm 72:18-19 (ESV)
Read through the passage of Scripture above several times and then reflect on it by answering the following three questions:


What is something that stands out to you from this passage of Scripture?  What is one truth that you can take from it and hold in your heart and mind this week?


How should you respond to this text this week?  What is a measurable step of obedience that you can take this week in response to what you have read?


Who is someone in your life who could benefit from what you have learned from this passage of Scripture?  Who does this passage of Scripture encourage you to pray for or engage with the gospel?
*I am using a “52 Week Bible Memory” plan as our selection guide for each week’s passage.  You can download it from this site.

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Sabbath Rest – John 19:30

Sabbath Rest – John 19:30

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Good Friday – John 19:12-16

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